Sunday, October 23, 2011

Things I 'What If' About

What if......

I were thin
the great goddess was still valued
I had chosen a career in Art instead of Science
I had been born into a different family
I had not been abused
I had married, had a family.
I had not been the only girl
there were a woman president
I were rich
I published a book
I had no money and were homeless
there is no one to care for me when I am old
I had gone to University in Africa the way I planned
everything I believe to be truth is actually nonsense
people were always honest, kind, generous, ______(fill in the blank) with each other
men and women could understand each other
I lose my mind
were to move to the wilds and live off the land
I could sing (on key that is)
round women were the new beautiful and smart was the new sexy
I were able to speak without fear

Those are just the first couple minutes.  A scientist is a all about the 'what if's'.  The thing is that while I like to throw those questions out there, maybe even imagine what that might feel like, look like, be like - I don't dwell there.  I live here and now.  I like this place and am generally happy with my life.  But there's always room for improvement.


  1. I've never been able to 'what if' about myself. There leads a path to darkness that scares the hell out of me....mostly because I have not accomplished anything that I am so capable of doing.
    I so like the way you think.

  2. @ Jo - Just think then. All your cool and major accomplishments are yet to come! If that doesn't excite you.....then I don't know what will.


  3. Thanks, Mary!

    (although I almost took advantage of "if that doesn't excite you"....please forgive me)


 I have written a lot about my belly - series of poems dedicated to it. I happen to like my belly. Always have Oh, I know it's not what ...