Thursday, September 29, 2011

When I Loved Myself Enough.......

One of my favorite tiny books is one called When I Loved Myself Enough by Kim McMillen.  Just a powerhouse of wise thinking.  Sometimes when I get a bit jammed up I will flip it open and see what comes out.  Like letting the Universe choose.  So that's what I did today......

When I loved myself enough

I began seeing the abuse
in trying to force something
or someone who isn't ready - 

Including me.

I understand this from the pushee stand.  How much I hate feeling nudged toward something someone else thinks I should do.  How that creates resistance to the entire idea AND the person who is exercising this behavior.  My take on it is to spend less time with people who do this a lot.  It seems so engrained in their DNA to do this that there is seldom change - although I do hope for it always.

Tonight I am thinking about it from the other end.  Who am I pushing?  How am I pushing myself?  Is this how the abuse is manifested these days.  So taking some much needed e-free time.  Spending some quality time with the person I love most and finding out what it is she really wants and why she is acting out in this way.

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