Thursday, May 19, 2011

Five Minutes in Mary's Brain

Photo by John Lund aka Stock Photo Guy
what is that thing?
why have i never seen one before?
can i play with it or use it?

what if everything i know about my world is a lie?
does anyone really tell the truth?
or are we all subject to our own thousand filters?

what if that thing up there i call the sky is not blue at all?
what is blue anyway?
who decided that?

what if i really know nothing about the world?
what if science is wrong in every assumption?
what if art is really truth?
what if art is also a lie?
how do i decide between the two?

what if my eyes see one thing and my brain tells me it is another?
which of those is truth?
is my truth the same as yours?
and if all of our truths are really different, then does truth really exist?

if I leave here and travel someplace, do I really move?
or is it all smoke and mirrors created in my brain?
am i really a teeny tiny borg - the fourth of five?

just what or who is god?
does he/she even exist?
can i touch them?
hear them?
do they hear me or even give a shit?
how do they feel about what we do here in their name?

wow, who is that singing on my iPod?
how come i didn't know i had that?
and how did it get onto there?
is it magic?
or is it message?
is it truth?
or is it a brain bubble?
is it perhaps god?

This is kinda what it's like inside my head ALL THE TIME.  I inserted the breaks so you could catch your breath.  But in reality there are no breaks.  


  1. tell me about it. it is equally amazing in both it's ridiculousness and its brilliance somedays.

  2. You may have a brain cloud - I know I do. (Joe vs. volcano)

    I love the teeny tiny borg line!

  3. At least your brain deals with stuff of cosmic importance. My brain obsesses about plotting my next ingestion of caffeine and sugar. Really. It's pathetic.

  4. Oh Kathleen those things are in there too (although I am equally likely to forget to eat until I'm dizzy). it could just as easily been about the size of my ass, the dustbunnies and other assorted wildlife that I share space with, or the CERN supercollider. Ya just never know what's cookin in there til ya open the lid.

  5. What if the whole universe is inside your head? I know nothing's inside mine!

    Stopping by to say hi because you're on my A-Z Challenge list.

  6. If that's true Bob then we are all screwed! Thanks for stopping by.


 I have written a lot about my belly - series of poems dedicated to it. I happen to like my belly. Always have Oh, I know it's not what ...