Sunday, December 5, 2010

Old Nuggets Pt1

Some of us are born writers our souls spilling over words.   So today I am perusing the old stuff - the embarrassing stuff I wrote when I was in my teens and 20's mining for any little gold nugget that might have spilled out.  Books and books and books of  drivel :-) but it is my drivel.  There were a few in there that I liked even 20 something years later.  

To Paul   August 12, 1983

We fit together like ducks and water.  

Yet I'm a lone duck on the water
even when I am with you.  
Cool photo by Jeremias Stelter.
More of his work here
Go check it out.  

I cannot have you to hold
No, you slip through my fingers
like so many droplets of water

You are simply to admire 
for your clarity
and sincere simple beauty
to glide along your surface

Only sometimes will I venture
beneath your surface
to sound the depths of you

For you are deep
and I, alas,
am not a good swimmer.  

Untitled 1984-5

I know I am a fool
For every time I look
into your eyes
I see the same thing

And I know it's not the same
for you as me

Your soul's not there

And when you catch me looking
I turn away
and tell you nothing's wrong. 


  1. Hi there - the duck photo is my photograph. I'm flattered that you used it on your blog and I'm not askign that you remove it - just give me credit please. No worries - I enjoyed reading some of your blog - you seem pretty cool. My name is Jeremias Stelter and you can find the original image on - you can use dome of my other photos - just please give me a ping back to my site. Keep writing! and check out my blog too

  2. Apologies. Corrected. Thanks for being cool about it. Thought I had added attributes to most of these. Guess I missed some of the older ones.


 I have written a lot about my belly - series of poems dedicated to it. I happen to like my belly. Always have Oh, I know it's not what ...