Sunday, August 15, 2010

Running with the Herd

I was communing with the Grandmothers this morning. The number who have made themselves known to me steadily increases. A couple weeks ago I was introduced to one whose ancient weathered face spoke of many winters. They do not all resemble her despite their designation as Grandmothers. Some are fresh-faced and youthful. Their chosen appearance has little to do with power, wisdom or 'age' as they are all both aged and ageless.

Who shows up on any given morning depends on the questions I have asked and what they want me to know. This morning I hurt in my body - the result of a massive unexpected dose of MSG that has given me a migraine and flu like aches and pains, and I can't remember time when my future seemed so poised for something different. Grandmother T. came in dressed in cobalt blue with red trim. Colors I associate with natives above the arctic circle. She sent me to learn from the caribou. To run with the herd. And when I can run no more, she calls the herd to her and inserts them in my energy field so that wherever I go today they go with me. I hear the pawing of hooves on the ice and feel their breath as they circle me protectively, nudging me from time to time to remind me they are there.

After a day with them, G-ma T came in and called the ghost herd back to her. It was quite interesting to have them leap from the vicinity of my chest out into alternate reality and watch as they stood pawing and snorting. They really are a magnificent animal that I know nothing about. I feel like there is something here I am supposed to 'get', but it eludes me.

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