Friday, August 20, 2010

Talkin Bout Lunch

There have been some interesting discussions over lunch with my boss this week. Ones leading to some interesting observations. Not quite the Aha moment. More like an Ahem one.

He was telling me how his wife carries a lot of the oldest child characteristics. And I began to mentally flick thru the card catalogue of guys I have dated (call me old school, but I still visualize it as a drawer full of index cards). Taking stock of their birth order. Of the 50 or so guys I have dated (I lost the hard count years ago), about 10 of those were single dates where I didn't learn much about their family. There is 1 oldest, really older as he had only one younger sister. Most of them are either somewhere in the middle or the youngest. More than half are the youngest. And the string of guys I have dated the last 2-3 years are ALL the youngest. Given that birth order GENERALLY comes with a set of characteristics, I wonder which of these am I looking for? According to Parent Magazine the youngest child is:

Risk taker
Financially irresponsible
Bored easily
Likes to be pampered
Sense of Humor

By the same standards I am a classic middle child - easy going, peacemaker, generous, nurturing. Those two personalities do seem to mesh well. I am a go-along-for-the-ride-and-see-where-we-end-up kinda girl who is attracted to someone who directs without being bossy. There is not a lot of drama and is a lot of fun. And I do so like a dude who can make me laugh.

In a related vein, I realized that I have always lived in an apartment/house (well - as long as I have done the choosing anyway) that is on the right side of the building. Something about the energy of that space that feels right to me while those on the left do not. Some feng shui kinda thing maybe. My friend Sherry pointed out something like this when she and Dave were condo hunting. Made me think about it. And how one of my friends, who is a lefty, has a house that is laid out in that foreign and backwards feeling way. So wondering if there is a handedness preference for these things?

Other discussions have centered around casting Star Wars with the stable of stars from Hollywood's hey day. That all started with the thought that Clark Gable would have made a good Han Solo. Or maybe a musical version......hmmmm.

I will miss alot of things when I leave his employ. Having good lunch conversation is just one of them.

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