Sunday, January 27, 2013

January Project Day 27

Old boots.

I'm retiring my favorite pair of boots today.  They have a tear between the sole and the uppers that cannot be repaired.  I love these boots.  Love them even more in their brokendownness.  I have worn them with the tear for a while now, but it is now so large that my feet get cold or wet through the vent.

I found them on Amazon one day.  There they just were.  Fuzzy.  Beribboned.  Flat.  And mismatched.  And in my size.  I wear a women's size 11, so that last is no small thing - literally.  It was their mismatchedness that made me pull out my wallet and go for it.  I also ordered a red tartan pair, but I don't like those as well.  (Translation - not at all).

I was skeptical that they would be what I envisioned.  I was right.  They were way better.  I wore them every day for the first winter I owned them.  I am like a toddler in that regard who must have their favorite shirt/shoes/sock/whatev or tantrums ensue.  The next winter, I could see some wear and tear and eased up to make them last a bit longer.  This winter, five years later, I have worn them only a handful of times.  I love them just as much as I did that first day I slipped them on.

Somehow these boots just get me and I them.  Retiring them will suck.  It will leave a hole in my shoe rack that needs filling.  I am not sentimental about shoes.  But these are not just shoes.  They are magic.

1 comment:

  1. I know you have lived in those boots lo these many winters. And have seen them often - but somehow I didn't realize they were mismatched! Maybe because they were perfectly matched to you! : >


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