Monday, May 14, 2012

Not Yo' Momma's Mother's Day

This was a pretty good weekend despite the ark requiring weather. 

I got the ghetto grass mowed before the aforementioned deluge.  There was no garbage to clean up.  Well almost none.  I did find one metal fork and one action figure buried in the grass.  Found both of them with my mower.  Neither will ever be the same.  But the noise was interesting.  Oh, did I mention that my yard has become the next door neighbor's ashtray?  Honestly, I think they are crackers of the worst kind.  Worse than that, they activate all my cracker genes and the next thing you know I'm making a tableau on their front porch of a headless power ranger swimming through a sea of their cigarette butts, all while trying to evade the enemy mangled fork.  Hey, just because I revert to my cracker roots doesn't mean that I can't do it with some style and humor. 

Saturday was just stellar.  I got eight, count 'em eight, pages written at my favorite writer's hangout (Green Dog Cafe) on the short story that had coasted to a stop at the end of last semester.  Yunno the one I was sure I was going to bury because I was soooo tired of it?  Turns out, I'm not tired of it at all.  I'm not sure why I am writing it, but I'm enjoying the writing.  So I'm not gonna question that.  Not while it's fun anyway.

The research for main story #1 continues.  I know at some point I'm gonna have to stop with the research and just sit and write it.  But the things that I am finding out are kinda blowing my mind - in a very good way.  I'm sure much of it will make it into MS #1 because there is nothing more crack-like for a writer than research that makes everything make sense.  Even if it lasts only a microsecond which it did last Friday at about 3:58PM. 

The only fly in the ointment was not getting to see my mum on Mother's Day.  At 85 she doesn't have the stamina for multiple events or large family shindigs from hell anymore.  This year she went out with my brother and his crazy wife.  She sees them less often, so it's good.  When I talked to her later, I told her I was OK with how it turned out if she was, because every day is Mother's Day for me.  I didn't say it to make her smile, that was just the bonus of that particular truth.  Oh she can be a right needy pain in the arse.  But she's my mum yunno?

So one day this week we'll go out and slam a burger&fries or do some Chinese - whatever she wants.  We won't have to stand in line (neither of us tolerate that for more than a NewYork minute).  We won't get chivvied along when we are done.  I won't have to share her with the unwashed hoard.  We'll be able to linger, connect, and laugh just the two of us.  These days with her AD that works best for her.  So even though I didn't get to see her Sunday, I'm the lucky one.  I doubt that anyone will remember the eats on Sunday, but there's always the possibility that contagious silliness will break out on Not Yo Momma's Mother's Day.

1 comment:

  1. A day that I relate to oh so well. The official M day for me is a dread of the sort people avoid and why subject yourself or the mother you supposedly love to such a fiasco. I love you sis and truly miss you


 I have written a lot about my belly - series of poems dedicated to it. I happen to like my belly. Always have Oh, I know it's not what ...