Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Celebrate the Day

People are walking by in ones and twos, seldom more.  They are headed west and I join the flow.  We congregate as strangers to observe, to watch something that happens every night in our varied little lives.  Off island we rarely notice.  We gather to watch the sun go down, to bid it a fond farewell.  For this one moment we are bonded together.  It grows enormous, then sinks dusky rose beyond the horizon, the group exhales and separates again.

I turn to walk home those three houses down, the moon rises pale and round.  A perfectly timed contradance to the setting sun.  But only I stop.  Alone I greet her as she sets to make her arc above me.

And in that moment between the sun and moon I have perfect balance.  I belong.  Right here.  Right now

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 I have written a lot about my belly - series of poems dedicated to it. I happen to like my belly. Always have Oh, I know it's not what ...