Monday, January 16, 2012

The Inner Guru

I went to brunch with friends the other day.  It always amazes me how this feeds so much more than my belly. friend is explaining why she doesn't write more often when I feel it happen.  That little inner Guru stopped smoking weed long enough to put on his tie-dyeds and crawl up onto his pulpit.  Uh-oh!  I hear him start spouting all kind of advice.  His pontificating gathers the attention of this other little part of me rather used to sitting in the corner for her mouthiness who pipes up with, WTF are you talking about?  You do exactly those same things. All this happening under the baleful eye of the Accountant who feels it is his job to tally all my shortcomings (He has been muttering lately about needing a branch office).  I don't know where the dude is who tallies my GOOD deeds, maybe the accountant outsourced his job because he was so seldom used.

I want to knock that little Guru right off his high horse and stuff something large and smelly in his mouth to make him stop preaching, but realize sadly that he is right about all the things he says about writing.

According to the Guru:

Writing is not something you think about doing.  You either write or you don't.  No discussion.  
Write every day even if it's crappy.  

Course then he contradicts himself by saying:

There's nothing wrong with waiting til you have something to say.  

So which is it - every day or when I feel like it?

Other pearls from the Guru:

You don't have to write for long periods of time.  Some people write beautiful stuff in five minutes a day. William Carlos Williams used to compose his poems on the back of his prescription pads between patients.

The idea is not to become the writing, but for the writing to become you.

WTF!?!  Here old man.  Here's a fatty.  Take your Birks and go lay back down on the futon.

I know he's right.  I know the 'advice' I just gave my friend is meant for me too.  I have let the practice of writing slide - A LOT!  Writing very little in the last 4 months.  I used editing my poetry for publication as an excuse not to write.  Told myself that time was limited and that the editing was 'more important' than the writing.....or was that the Accountant who said that?  Either way, it feels time to blow the dust off my quill and get back to it.  Lucky you, that means there will probably be more brain drivel thrown out here for your consideration.

Now if you will excuse me, I believe it's open season on ACCOUNTANTS.


  1. Whoo! Haaaa! Can't wait to see what happens next!

  2. Hilarious! Loved your characters. And as I am tempted to lecture you (I hard a composer refer to her inner critics as "brain rats - a pestilential blight upon my mind") for being too hard on yourself, guess what? Ta ta!!! I even had one of my UK co-workers, who is usually quite reserved, tell me I'm too hard on myself. But you described all of this much better than I.

  3. Well said! Especially sending the Guru back to his futon! I "played with the idea of blogging for so long it began to feel as though I'd never start, I'd just think about it forever. I'm excellent at procrastination and I was afraid I'd start it and not follow through. Then I read a book by Wil Wheaton of all people and he said something that was my final nudge: "But the point isn't to be perfect. The point is to get excited and make something creative." I didn't see anything in there that said I had to write every day, or even every other day. Yahoo! Thanks Blue, this reinforces that notion. Looking forward to reading more from your quill!

  4. I am very glad that you'll be writing more.

    And my Accountant did open a branch office, which sprouted a franchise, which opened up a little cart on the corner. Accountants need to be squashed. Where the heck are our Cheerleaders?

  5. Dear Guru,

    Fear not, for I did't find you preachy. In fact, you weren't saying anything I haven't already told myself...contradictions and all. Sometimes I just need to get all my thoughts out of my own head so I can look at and better evaluate them, so thanks for entertaining my inner neurotic. And I found it curious that the guru, accountant and good deed outsourced guy were, well, guys. Any rhyme or reason to that?

  6. Lisa - I noticed that as I wrote it. I tried to make them women.....but they were stubbornly men


 I have written a lot about my belly - series of poems dedicated to it. I happen to like my belly. Always have Oh, I know it's not what ...