Friday, December 9, 2011

Scientist for Sale

Today I talked to an acquaintance of mine here in research.  She is potentially losing her job when her boss moves on to bigger, better, badder things.  Kinda digging around in my last-year's demon closet?  You betcha.  She wanted some practical advice about how to move through this.  From me?  Really?  Pretty sure I just closed my eyes and cannon-balled like usual, disregarding nearly every syllable of practical advice that came my way - which incidentally was an obscene amount.  But OK. 

As we tried to figure out how long she has been working here, 11 years, she reminded me that I taught her how to make solutions way back when, before her career here started, like early 1990's way back.  Yunno back when big hair was in and I was sporting my favorite Pepto pink high top Reeboks and acid washed jeans.  I'm sure I grumbled and bitched about having to do something as lowly as work with an undergrad helping them learn basic lab skills.  Why can't they just be born knowing what I need them to know?  I know I could have done more and been easier to be around.  I was quite a pill back then.  Mostly I was just trying to figure it all out myself.  All while trying not to be shown up by the clever-as-hell college junior I was training. 

Interesting that 18 years later she remembered it so fondly.  Makes me wish I had taken more care way back.  I looked at this woman and felt a certain pride that even that little action, as poorly done as it was, helped set her feet to become the amazing confident young woman she is today. 

And I promised myself that I would take more care when interacting with trainees in the future because ya just never know.  Just never know who is gonna return the bootstrap you give them.  Need proof?  My last trainee (I had learned a lot about how to be a better mentor in the intervening years) threw my name out for a job when I was unemployed.....a job where I now sit and type this blog.  OKOkok.....usually I am hard at work.  Cut the girl some Friday afternoon slack. 


  1. I have to confess, I read the cartoon first and laughed HARD. Thank you.

    You're right, you never know what your small actions are going to do to reverbate down the road.

    And for the record, I am a nice person, but I HATE trying to train anyone to do anything. It makes me vibrate worse than a tuning fork.

  2. From my experience with that particular employer, I would tell her to transfer now while she can. I started working there in 1991; it was a much cozier place back then.

  3. Hilarious cartoon! I had the pleasure of listening to some of this year's Ig Nobel Awards ceremony on NPR and I thought of you!

    I love being the trainer in one-on-one sessions. Group training saps every last bit of my energy, though. Way too much 'on' for this Cancer girl.

    Nice to know that even when you were figuring it all out yourself, you were able to impact someone so positively that she not only told you about it, but sought out your advice again. Cool!


 I have written a lot about my belly - series of poems dedicated to it. I happen to like my belly. Always have Oh, I know it's not what ...