Friday, June 24, 2011

They Told Me So

My birthday is in a couple weeks.  I will be 50, the age at which most women go through a croning ritual.  For me, a staff is the perfect symbol of the wisdom that you acquire as you age.  In this case a croning staff.  I was told that a croning staff would come to me and that it would be made by someone I love.  I knew they didn't mean a lover, but a very close friend.  I doubted their wisdom, doubted someone would do this for me.  It is sometimes hard for me to believe and to trust that someone will be there for me when they seldom have in the past.  I prefer to take care of myself like I have since I was very young.  It is easier not to depend on anyone who might disappoint you.

So, that's what I did.  I disregarded what I was told and collected stick after stick to make my own staff, discarding them all as quickly as they came to me.  I have sampled a couple hundred over the last few years.  I never did find one I liked.  Too heavy.  Too short.  Too long.  Too twisty.  Not twisty enough.

Tonight, I was surprised by my friend Dave with an early birthday gift.  A staff with my trailname on it.  As soon as my hands touched the wood, I knew what I was holding.  Dave had made me my croning staff.  I don't know if he knew what he was crafting, but I am glad he listens better than I do.   Turns out it isn't at all about the shape, the length or any of those things by which I was judging.  It was all about the intention and the love it took to make it.  THAT is what makes the wood sing under my fingers.  THAT is what made this feel exactly right.  THAT is the perfect gift to blow away a woman turning 50.

Thank you Dave.


  1. How cool is that and what a sweet gift.

  2. What a great thank you! Spirit working through Dave to present you with what you needed on so many levels! : >

  3. I know right!?! Crazy. I have married friends, but none where I adore the husband as much as the wife - except Dave.

  4. That is so cool!!!

  5. Isn't it Kathleen? The Universe has my back!


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