Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Request Denied

I got a little reminder yesterday to keep my protection up.  It has a tendency to sag a bit when I get emotionally or physically weary.  I was too tired to ramp it up when I got home from my massage.  Wish I had though, because the Dreamtime was polluted with energies, people and thoughts that I am no longer used to.  

My Dreamtime has been a clean space for the last couple years or so.  A place where info is passed easily from my peeps to me, where solace is given, where deep and abiding rest happens.  I guess I should have recognized it sooner.  Lots of trouble staying asleep.  Getting up multiple times and wandering around almost like I am avoiding sleep.  A few nightmares and other strange happenings.  Waking in the morning so exhausted that all I want to do is crawl back in bed.  

Yesterday it came to my attention when I got a FB friend request from WWT.  I had him blocked for years, but decided last year that I was no longer going to live my life like that - always hiding.  So I unblocked everyone who was on my list.  Since FB now has user friendly security options, what did I care if any of those people knew I had a FB page or could read a post on a mutual friends page?  I would not live hidden or in fear.  

So yesterday I guess it came to his attention that I was on there and he tried to friend me.  I have no desire to share cyber space (or any space) with him.  I am not angry or afraid.  I just don't want or need the drama that swirls around him like a cloak.  Drama he creates maliciously and deliberately to his own ends.  I know because I spent a year hugged to his bony chest under that cloak.  He is who he is and I am who I am.  Those two energies are not compatible with one another.  So friend request denied and shields up.  

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