Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Power of a Kiss 7/6/09

Woke up this morning feeling a bit nostalgic.  Nostalgic for things that I can't remember even having.  Funny.  It seems like I have vague memories of them, but nothing REAL.  Anyway, this morning, I was 'remembering' a time when your mom could heal anything with a single kiss.  Booboos instantly felt better.  Whatever mean girl Connie had said to you, dissolved while you were curled up on her lap and evaporated in the face of that press of her lips into your hair.  Life got magically better after that and you jumped up, ran outside and went on being a kid.  

I see how kids 'get it' better than we do as adults.  So today I am wondering if this is one of those things that they 'get' that we somehow don't?  Can a single kiss from someone who loves us truly heal us?  If so then, why the fuck do we ever let that go as we grow up?  That would be such a blessing as an adult to be able to turn to someone who loves us and say simply  "I feel sad/hurt/lonely.  I trust you to fix me with a kiss".  And then to be open to let them do exactly that.  

So now I have engaged scientist mode.  And an experiment is definitely in order.  Can I, as an adult, ask for that and then be open enough to let the magic of that single kiss heal me so that I can jump up, run outside and just get on with life?  Dunno, but intend to collect the data and see.  

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